Complete, well-fit to your terrace, wooden decking with a door-to-door delievery! Ready for individual installation without any professional help and without any special tools – without cutting, without drilling, without noise.

For installation on the old terracotta-tiles.

Quick assembling – typical balcony (6 sqm) can be ready in just 1,5 hour.

Many various possible patterns – you can compose even your own.
Garden terrace
Garden terrace
Warm, wooden decking in your garden. You can easily change the look of your terrace. GUMI gives a possibility of quick changing of the climate on the terrace. If your terrace has complicated shape or stairs then you can ask for help of the professional dealer.

Additional solutions for processing of the stairs or non-standard elements – technical advice.

Installation on the old terracotta-tiles – antislip base of the connector.

The best ratio between price and quality.
Terraces and balconies with hydroinsulation
Terraces and balconies with hydroinsulation
The wood on the surfaces with hydroinsulation. GUMI is a great alternative for already existing, complicated solutions for terraces with hydroinsulation. Very fast time of installation and low cost per sqm. GUMI is a floating decking and does not need the screwing to the surface, therefore it is safe for any insulation layers. GUMI can be disassembled without any harm for insulation.

Allows for direct installation on the EPDM insulation.

Allows for quick disassembling in case of insulation inspection.

Allows for free drain of rainwater.
Building’s models provided by Domy z Wizją

The variety of patterns without cutting
By assembling the GUMI you are not doomed to the only one pattern. GUMI – thanks to 7 modular boards – gives you an opportunity for assembling in many various patterns like: squares, bricks, chevron, interlaced-rows, spiral and many others. All depends on your creativity.
Specially designed connector makes the durable and solid mounting possible as well as free and easy rearrangement of the boards.
GUMI is the only solution of this kind available on the market! The decking doesn’t have to be boring! Change the look of your terrace anytime you want!
GUMI to jedyne takie rozwiązanie na rynku!
Taras nie musi być nudny! Zmieniaj swój taras kiedy tylko chcesz!

See the full presentation
Only 31 mm grubości
with 21 mm of wood
The thickness available for decking boards is no longer a problem – the doors for terrace will open for sure. GUMI system has the total height of 31 mm by 21 mm of natural wooden decking board.
10 mm space between the wood and surface allows for free flow of the rainwater.
Installation surfaces
GUMI allows for installation on various different types of surfaces:

Standard concrete surface

Old terracotta-tiles

Hydroinsulation EPDM

Paving stone